Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weyanoke in Norfolk

Today I decided to start my mission with my fellow ODU students in mind. I wanted to suggest a place to students to get away from the books and studying. I always find that during tough semesters it helps my mind to step away from the hideous lighting of the library and step under the streaming sunlight that shines through the overhang of trees. I ventured first to the Weyanoke Sanctuary (entrance pictured above) last semester for a trip with my Conservation Biology and class. It's a small place that's located at 1501 Armistead Bridge Road, just right down the road from the ODU campus. This bird and wildlife sanctuary is open from 9am on Saturday until 6pm on Sunday and is FREE. It's an 8 acre property that is maintained by Cape Henry Audubon Society and volunteers from the Norfolk Master Gardeners. You can stroll along the path and gaze at the many native plants and flowers. The best time to visit the sanctuary is in the spring time when the wildflowers are in full bloom. 

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