Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Norfolk Botanical Gardens

The Norfolk Botanical Gardens is probably one of my favorite attractions in Hampton Roads. I love the smell of spring (even though my allergies makes it difficult). The smell of blooming flowers and sweet trees is so intoxicating. The Norfolk Botanical Gardens has this smell year round. I visit the gardens about 4 times a year, once during each season. I love meandering through the many gardens full of beautiful colors and stimulating aromas. They have seasonal gardens, year round gardens and even a children's garden where kids can play in the many fountains. The Norfolk Botanical Gardens is also home to a pair of nesting Bald Eagles. These Eagles built a nest in the Gardens in 2003 and has raised 19 eaglets since. They have been very dedicated to the protection of these eagles and has even installed an eagle cam so people can view the eagles in their nest. The Gardens also holds an Eagle Festival on May 5th to help educate the public on the American Bald Eagle and raise money for the protection of these animals. The Gardens also offer an array of educational classes for all ages. Some of the adult classes include yoga, photography, wildlife hikes, tai chi and of course gardening. To learn more about these classes click on: Adult Education Programs. Admission to The Norfolk Botanical Gardens is $9 for adults and $7 for children. For hours and directions visit And if your like me make sure you take your Claritin before you go! Enjoy some of pictures below of some of my visits.
Featured winter plant. The Paberbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha)
My favorite place to sit in spring.
One of the many statues at the Gardens.

A path of hydrangeas.

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