Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ODU's Outdoor Adventure Program

I have discovered one more for the ODU students. I do not know how many have heard of this program. I know I only heard of it recently. It's the Outdoor Adventure Program at ODU. This program is part of the Recreation and Wellness Department. The Outdoor Adventure Center is located in the Recreational building. On a side note, it is free membership to the rec center for all currently enrolled students. The Outdoor Adventure Program offers rental equipment such as kayaks, camping equipment, nature guides and mountain bikes. To get a full list of available equipment visit The best part about this program is that you can participate in a wide variety of outdoor trips such as, snowboarding, backpacking, canoeing, zip-lining and they even offer a trip to France this spring break. For more info on these exciting adventures check it out at These trips are even college kid affordable. This is a great opportunity to get out and experience the best of nature with your fellow ODU classmates. For more information on the OAP contact Bridget Nemeth, Assistant Director at

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